Art director and curator
There was a strong focus on Swedish cartoonists and sustainable fashion. Cartoonists made drawings that were blown up into giant figures, as well as making the signs for the festival and telling stories at one of the designated meeting points.
Hållplats Mode (project manager Filippa Freijd) held talks on materials and fashion trends of the future. During the week, a wide variety of activities took place, ranging from style consultations to exclusive garment swaps, turban workshops, fashion shows and lectures.
Participating artists and designers:
Tea Mäkipää and Halldór Úlfarsson, Max Skorwider and Maciej Kurak, Misaki Kawai, Coco Moodysson, Eva Björkstrand, Lars Krantz, Karolina Bång, Nanna Johansson, Sara Granér, Daniel Novakovic, Johanna Kristiansson & Joakim Gunnarsson, Åsa Ekström, Josefin Svenske, Serieskolan, Sandra Mujinga, Valle Westesson, Be your own souvenir, Jan von Hollben, Linnea Dickson, Bibi Ghost, Carolina Rönnqvist, Kianoosh Vahabi, Maria Norrman, Yaser Alsuhaili, Vi tre & trädgård, Hans Madsen, Marie Bonfils, Olof Nimar, Niklas Hillborg and Erik Hjalmarsson, Iman Aldebe, Ravishing Mad, Jenny Grettve, Maxjenny, House Music With Love, Epic People, Fodral, SELFMADE, Stilverket Tantverket, We love fashion & Freeshop, Malmö Praktiska Gymnasium, Lena Quist, Angela Tagoch, Form/Design Center, Sara Rosslings, Pecha kucha, Ida Skovmand, DEM Collective and Righteous Fashion.